How to write a speech essay
Argumentative Essay Topics For Biology
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Advanced Economic Analysis (Economic efficiency) Essay
Progressed Economic Analysis (Economic productivity) - Essay Example Productivity of trade necessitates that all designations lie on the agreement bend to such an extent that the peripheral pace of replacement between each pair of merchandise (x and y) is indistinguishable for all shoppers. Review that every buyer amplifies utility by achieving the purpose of intersection between the lack of concern bend and the spending line for products x and y. Productivity underway necessitates that each producer’s Marginal Rate of Technical Transformation among capital and work is indistinguishable in the creation all things considered and is accomplished similarly to the proficiency of trade. The necessity is that the Marginal paces of change between any two sets of sources of info be the equivalent for all makers. This is guaranteed through benefit augmentation which finds out fairness between the MRTS and information value proportion. Proficiency in the Output advertise necessitates that the yield blend be picked to such an extent that the minimal pace of change between any two sets of merchandise is equivalent to each consumer’s negligible pace of replacement for the two products. ... expecting that in the market for sugar at first the cost and amount are at their harmony or market clearing levels P* and Q* as appeared in the graph underneath (figure 1). Figure 1: The market freeing cost and amount from sugar There are two cases that should be taken a gander at: 1) the administration plans to limit the cost above P* and 2) the administration expects to confine the cost beneath P*. Think about the principal case. At any cost above P*, there will be abundance flexibly and this overabundance gracefully will apply a descending weight on the cost to move back to the market clearing level P*. Assume the administration needs to limit the cost at P’>P*. The administration has two principle choices. To start with, it can force a guideline or a value control that doesn't permit makers to charge beneath P’. On the other hand it can pay off the essential abundance gracefully with the goal that the value settles at P’. This is appeared in the graph bene ath (figure 2). Figure 2: The administration pays off the abundance flexibly at value P' so it presently turns into the market clearing cost Essentially, the legislature makes extra interest to clear up the overabundance gracefully and in this manner mitigates the descending weight on costs. Aside from this, the choices accessible to the legislature are those of putting a standard on the sugar makers or potentially giving them fiscal impetuses to create inside the share. Presently, consider case 2) where the administration plans to limit the cost at a level underneath P*. There will be overabundance request at this cost and along these lines costs will in general ascent upward. The principal choice the administration has is to lawfully disallow makers from charging more. Assume the administration needs to limit the cost at a limit of P’’. It can either legitimately disallow more significant expenses. Or on the other hand as another option, on the off chance that it app roaches
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Wellness Tourism Essays
Wellbeing Tourism Essays Wellbeing Tourism Essay Wellbeing Tourism Essay The Holistic Approach Of Ayurveda Based Wellness Tourism In Kerala RAMESH U *Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Munnar, Kerala Tel: 04865 230606,232989 (Off), Mob: 094472 46162, Fax: 04865 232106 E Mail : [emailprotected] com ABSTRACT Wellness, as a rule, is utilized to mean a solid parity of the brain, body and soul that outcomes in a general sentiment of prosperity. It is a multidimensional condition, portraying the presence of positive wellbeing in a person as exemplified by personal satisfaction. Wellbeing/Wellness the travel industry alludes to trips that are taken by vacationers with the rule reason for existing being to improve their wellbeing and additionally prosperity. The wide utilization of elective meds makes India an especially interesting goal, and can charge itself as an all encompassing wellbeing arrangement. Kerala has been notable for a long time for its act of Ayurveda-an arrangement of medication that accepts not just getting the sickness yet going to the entire individual. Keralas equable atmosphere, characteristic plenitude of backwoods (with an abundance of herbs and therapeutic plants) and the cool storm season (June November) are most appropriate for therapeudic and remedial bundles. Previously or after their treatment-or both-clinical voyagers can appreciate Kerala’s numerous well known traveler goals. Regardless of whether they appreciate legacy the travel industry, or survey natural life, a sea shore excursion, or back water encounters, Kerala has a lot to offer. The idea of wellbeing occasion, presently also called Wellness occasion, depends on the standards of Ayurveda, reflection, yoga, physical activities and a decent eating routine. It resembles revival and tidy up process on all levels physical, mental and passionate. Ayurveda manages measures for invigorating living during the whole range of life and its different stages. Moreover, managing standards for support of wellbeing, it has additionally built up a wide scope of remedial measures to battle sickness. The primary goal of this paper is to break down the explanation with respect to why Kerala is being picked as a favored goal for Wellness Tourism and to investigate the current chances and offices offered to the Wellness searchers. Catchphrases: Well being, Health occasion, Ayurveda, Rejuvenation. Presentation More than 50 years prior, the World Health Organization characterized wellbeing as more than opportunity from ailment, ailment, and crippling conditions (WHO, 1947). The recommendation by World Health Organization that wellbeing had a positive segment prompted the utilization of the term health presently broadly used to portray the condition speaking to that positive part (Corbin, Pangrazi, Franks, 2000). Halbert Dunn built up the way of thinking of wellbeing the travel industry to outline about an extraordinary condition of wellbeing containing a general feeling of prosperity which considers man to be comprising of body, soul, mind and being reliant on his condition (Dunn, H. L, 1965). It is an idea that is appealing to guests who love joining prosperity and way of life medicinal services administrations with the powerful urge to travel abroad. The worldwide progression in clinical examination and advances, expanded facililities of transportation and request of quick quality social insurance have given the patients worldwide to travel abroad for medicines. The Indian social insurance industry has understood the capability of this specialty showcase and has started to tailor their administrations for universal guests (Ilyas, 2008). Government and private area concentrates in India gauge that clinical the travel industry could bring between $1 billion and $2 billion US into the nation by 2012. The reports gauge that clinical the travel industry to India is developing by 30 percent a year. So as to qualify as a contemporary wellbeing the travel industry experience, we would fight that some purposeful commitment must be made to mental, profound or passionate prosperity notwithstanding physical. This takes health the travel industry from the domain of being just a latent type of the travel industry with an attention on idealism to one where voyagers are intentionally determined by the craving to effectively look for upgraded wellbeing. Ostensibly, in any case, there had been an uncommon strengthening in the quest for wellbeing throughout the entire existence of Tourism in the ongoing years (Smith Kelly, 2006). The current pattern, be that as it may, is for western vacationers to look for comfort in Eastern methods of reasoning and treatments (e. g. , Chinese medication, Buddhist reflection, Indian Ayurveda, Thai back rub). With more individuals in the west understanding the adequacy of customary and common medications in rewarding ceaseless infections over present day prescriptions utilizing synthetic medications, the extensions gave by Kerala is getting a high ground in the Modern world. The Ayurvedic arrangement of medication has gotten famous among vacationers in the ongoing occasions. Ayurveda has its own extensive method of understanding the body, of what causes infections, how to forestall them, how to mitigate and fix them, strategies for getting ready remedial meds utilizing herbs and oils, revival and techniques for medical procedure. Kerala is the main spot where Ayurveda is rehearsed in its actual and genuine structure. Wellbeing related the travel industry administrations gave by Kerala are presently the most discussed subject among the visitors and medicinal services the travel industry providers’ around the world. The reason for this paper is to feature the all encompassing methodology offered to the wellbeing searchers visiting Kerala through the customary treatments and the variables that support this one of a kind the travel industry item. Conversation Health is inherent and a characteristic marvel. It is a law of the nature to shield the individuals from ailments. The quick paced way of life and distressing employment combined with absence of activity and unnecessary dietary patterns have made the cutting edge official human to an assortment of diseases. Despite the fact that the innovative progression of current medication is gigantic, its ability for controlling and forestalling ailments has gone down extensively. Individuals are taking significantly more of medications than they used to, and tranquilize costs are expanding at a higher rate than some other part of human services (Angel, 2004). There have been a few endeavors to order explicit proportions of Wellness, such factors as close to home vitality, capacity to appreciate relaxation, better mental self portrait and fearlessness, to name however a few(Cooper, 1982). Clinical the travel industry can be extensively characterized as arrangement of financially savvy private clinical consideration in a joint effort with the travel industry for patients requiring careful and different types of specific treatment. The travel industry in its underlying stages was straightforwardly planned for expanding wellbeing and prosperity of individuals. In the current decade, the endeavor to accomplish better wellbeing while on a vacation through unwinding, exercise or visits to spas has been taken into another level, with the development of a particular specialty in the travel industry, â€Å"Wellness Tourism†, where the travel industry is intentionally connected to coordinate wellbeing mediations and the results are relied upon to be considerable. The developing overall spotlight on wellbeing and prosperity has prompted a tremendous increment in the health offices in India. The country’s National Health Policy pronounces that treatment of remote patients is lawfully a fare nd regarded qualified for every single financial impetus reached out to trade profit. The expanding engaging quality and monetary importance of wellbeing and Wellness the travel industry is further clear in the development of both residential and global guests since the start of this decade. India is the most touted human services goal for nations like South-East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Mauritius, Tanzania, Bangladesh and Yemen with 12 percent understanding inflow from creating nations. An expected 150,000 clinical travelers visited India during 2007, speaking to a 20% hop over the earlier year and reports uncover that the income from Ayurveda Tourism alone added up to Rs 60 billion. Table 1 demonstrates the remote vacationer appearances and the outside trade profit from 1996 to 2006. India has an immense decent variety of occasion alternatives running from the sea shores of Goa, the powerful Himalayas, a great many long stretches of culture, different untamed life and obviously the Ayurveda based health offices offered by Kerala. The additional attractions to patients who wish to profit treatment in India is clinical visa, it will presently be simpler to make a trip to India as the visa could be stretched out with no issue. Aside from the serious estimating and concentrated Medicare facililities, the Ayurveda based conventional medicines offered by Kerala has now risen as the USP for India to create as the most looked for after social insurance goal in the World. Ayurveda based Wellness offices Offered by Kerala †The entrancing area situated in the south of India appreciates topographical highlights that are extraordinary and rich. Kerala is one of only a handful hardly any honored terrains on the planet that is arranged by forty four waterways. These streams are otherwise called the â€Å"backwaters of Kerala†and it extends up to right around 1900 kilometers. Kerala has a portion of the astonishing, most enchanting sea shores of the world. The vivid sea shores consistently remain washed in the brilliant beams of the sun and the vacationers who invested their energy here gets enraptured by the regularly sparkling magnificence of this pleasant land. It has a 600 km long shoreline specked with coconut forests, common harbors, tidal ponds and protected inlets. Kerala has the absolute best slope stations in India with the whole Western Ghats studded with evergreens, moving meadows, sholas and stretches of restoring aroma of tea and espresso estates. Table 2 shows the appearance pace of outside vacationers to India and the state insightful separation featuring the situation of Kerala during the years 2005 and 2006. This state is additionally the main spot in India which rehearses Ayurveda in its most flawless structure. Ayurveda is the conventional Indian arrangement of medication that has brought genuine wellbeing, bliss and we
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Holidays of Spanish-Speaking Countries
Occasions of Spanish-Speaking Countries On the off chance that youre venturing out to a Spanish-talking zone, one interesting point is the countrys parties, occasions and different festivals. On the positive side, you may get an open door for an upclose take a gander at the countrys culture and an opportunity to take part in exercises youll see no place else; then again, with a portion of the more significant occasions, organizations might be shut, open transportation may swarmed and lodgings might be hard to hold. Spring Holidays In view of the Roman Catholic legacy, in about all the Spanish-talking world la Semana Santa, or Holy Week, the prior week Easter, is among the most generally celebrated of occasions. Explicit days watched incorporate el Domingo de Ramos, or Palm Sunday, a festival of Jesus triumphal passage into Jerusalem before his demise; el Jueves Santo, which recognizes la Última Cena de Jesã ºs (the Last Supper); el Viernes Santo, or Good Friday, denoting the day of Jesus passing; and the weeks peak, el Domingo de Pascua or la Pascua de Resurrecciã ³n, or Easter, a festival of Jesus Resurrection. The dates of la Semana Santa differ from year to year. Winter Holidays La Navidad, or Christmas, is additionally all around celebrated on December 25. Related days incorporate la Nochebuena (Christmas Eve, December 24), el dã a de san Esteban (St. Stephens Day, regarding the man generally accepted to be the main Christian saint, on December 26), el dã a de san Juan Evangelista (St. Johns Day, on December 27), el dã a de los Santos Inocentes (Day of the Innocents, respecting the children who, as indicated by the Bible, were requested butchered by King Herod, December 28) and el dã a de la Sagrada Familia (the Day of the Holy Family, watched the Sunday after Christmas), coming full circle in la Epifanã a (January 6, Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas, denoting the day los magos or Wise Men showed up to see the newborn child Jesus). In this is el Aã ±o Nuevo, or New Years, which regularly is praised starting on el Nocheviejo, or New Years Eve. Autonomy Holidays Most Latin American nations additionally commend an Independence Day to check the day of division from Spain or, in a couple of cases, some other nation. Among the dã as de la independencia are February 12 (Chile), Feb. 27 (Dominican Republic), May 24 (Ecuador), July 5 (Venezuela), July 9 (Argentina), July 20 (Colombia), July 28 (Peru), August 6 (Bolivia), August 10 (Ecuador), August 25 (Uruguay), September 15 (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua), September 16 (Mexico) and November 28 (Panama). Spain, in the interim, commends its Dã a de la Constituciã ³n (Constitution Day) on December 6. Different Days of Celebration: Dã a del Trabajo or Dã a del Trabajador - May Day or Labor Day is generally seen on May 1.Fiesta Nacional de Espaã ±a - This day, saw on October 12, denotes the appearance of Christopher Columbus in the Americas. It additionally passes by different names, including la Fiesta de la Hispanidad. In Latin America, it is frequently known as el Dã a de la Raza.Cinco de Mayo - This Mexican festival denoting a triumph in the Battle of Puebla has been traded to the United States, where it is more generally saw than in Mexico.DÃ a de la Asunciã ³n - A day remembering the Assumption of Mary is seen in certain nations on August 15.DÃ a de la Revoluciã ³n - Mexico praises the beginning of the Mexican Revolution on the third Monday of November.DÃ a de Todos Santos - All Saints Day is broadly seen on November 1.
Science and nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Science and nature - Essay Example e of this conversation is to talk about the connection among science and nature by assessing whether they are restricted or complimentary of each other. From a logical perspective, there is an approach to associate everything characteristic identified with the earth and to nature. One can locate that organic life is brimming with numerical constants, physical constants, etc. For instance, due to the earth’s gravity; the speed of maximum speed is consistently the equivalent for any item. This can be meant the model that a quill dropped from a 100 story building and a stone dropped from the very same3 building; will arrive at precisely the same most extreme speed inevitably which is obviously maximum speed. Different constants, for example, the bubbling temperature for water or the point of solidification of water will consistently be the equivalent paying little heed to where one is situated on the planet given that the water isn't spoiled. These models are only a couple of thousands of models which involve the conviction of logical law. When exchanging perspectives quickly from a predictable logical perspective and watching the earth’s characteristic magnificence from a place of marvel and stunningness, one doesn't have to realize the point of solidification of water to watch and pay heed to the excellence of a snow fall in winter. Also, one doesn't have to know the scientific portrayal of max speed to value the quiet influence of leaves tumbling from their branches in harvest time. Appreciating the association between everything in nature; even from a profoundly determined and logical mindfulness, one can at present be astounded at the rich shades of the setting sun at sunset or the inky grays of a moving toward storm. One may take a gander at the sky at sunset and pause for a minute to welcome the full range of hues spoke to while realizing that what they are seeing is refracted light from the sun which is basically being divided and diverted at the purpose of the skyline as the earth pivots through its day by day cycle. Certain things
Friday, August 21, 2020
Interviewing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Talking - Essay Example Murmuring into the telephone can provide reason to feel ambiguous about a negative impression the business. Scripted reaction frequently gets effectively recognized and invalidates the odds for progress, so reaction should me made on the spot and ought to be common. The greatest key to accomplishment in-person meets is acting naturally. The interviewee ought not ask the questioner not to get some information about specific things on the off chance that he/she doesn't know about them. Rather, the applicant should keep up a positive approach and be cool, quiet and sure. Regardless of whether there are sure shortcomings, the competitor ought to accept that they can be improved with exertion. It is critical to keep in touch with the business. Visit utilization of non-verbal communication is suggested, and questions ought to be tuned in to with persistence (Topic). Certainty, lucidity of discourse, and innovation are three prime prerequisites of achievement in both phone and in-person meeting. The up-and-comer should work on consolidating every one of the three in the reaction before showing up for either sort of
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Springing into Junior Year
Springing into Junior Year We’re already a month into the semester, and Add Date01 the last day students can add a class to their schedule without a fee/petition, coming up on march 9th quickly approaches. My schedule has been pretty set in stone since the first week of classes, but looking back at old blogs, I quickly realized that I’ve never posted my semester-ly schedules, or really talked about my major at all, and that maybe I should start as the only blogger in Course 1.02 civil and environmental engineering So, here’s what I’ve been up to for the past month: And, before you ask, yes, I refuse to use Google Calendar and instead choose to spend an hour every semester making a silly spreadsheet. It is my equivalent of decorating a bullet journal or buying fancy face wash. Its called living a little. 1.035: Mechanics of Materials This class is a lab class, and a direct successor to 1.050: Solid Mechanics, which I took in the fall. Last semester, I learned all about stresses and strains, Beam Theory, what a fourth order tensor03 actually, i still don’t fully get this one is, how to draw a Mohr Circle, and the beauty of making assumptions in engineering in order to simplify all your required math. Solid Mechanics is a bit of a simplification for how engineering works, because much of its teaching relies on the assumption that your materials are mostly homogenous and continuous. Think, a solid slab of incredibly smooth concrete or a beam made of wood. And while this works often for general calculations, it’s not a perfect or accurate representation of much of our real world. 1.035 serves as a continuation of the material with more depth, and a lab component where we actually get to see the magic behind the theory. Mostly throwing the assumption of homogenous materials aside, we’ve focused on how different components with different properties work together in a single material. So far, we’ve covered mixing and transporting of materials, elasticity, and some thermodynamics. In lab, we’ve made grain size distribution curves, mixed concrete by hand,04 a truly laborious task. think of making homemade shortcrust, but instead of flour you have 22 kilograms of sand and gravel and stretched out metal rods for tensile tests (not by hand). Plus, the same professor who taught 1.050 is continuing this one, and he makes lectures pretty engaging through sheer enthusiasm alone. To be honest, I kind of miss the PSet structure of the last class. Although it is nice to not have a looming deadline and a difficult set of problems every single week, I worry that material is slipping away from the confines of my brain. This is not a popular opinion amongst MIT students, I know, but I find it much easier to grasp material when I’m forced to do it for a grade every week. We have a quiz coming up for this soon, so we’ll see how that goes. 1.037: Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Design Apparently, this class and 1.035 used to be a single, 18 unit class, so there’s a fair amount of overlap between the material, which is nice for me. This class, much like the name states, really focuses on soils05 which is not just the brown soil you think of, but also sands and gravels and clays and how they’re a bit unique in engineering. Much like 1.035, this expands on 1.050, which focuses on Solids. Soils, while not typically thought of as a building material in present day, are vitally important for most engineering across the globe. Firstly, basically everything is built on top of soil. It’d be a bad look if your newly constructed home sank a few inches and everything was out of line. Second, soils, unlike other materials like concrete and masonry, are very susceptible to changing different properties, like how much water is present, how compressed it is, how much space there is between particles, and so on. It’s important to know how these different factors affect engineering performance, because if your structure suddenly fails because it rained very hard one day and can no longer support itself, that’s very bad. I’ve been enjoying this class more than I expected, to be honest. There are just 4 people in the class, and the size makes it really easy to ask the questions you want to try to learn. Although I don’t feel particularly invested in soils, it’s nice to learn just for the sake of learning, in a class environment that allows that. The pace feels reasonable,06 a blessing for any MIT class, tbh and our professor is so genuinely interested in the subject that it’s hard not to get a bit interested, too. I feel like I’m using knowledge from last semester and expanding on it, instead of just forgetting it as soon as the class is over. Plus, now I can watch movies that use quicksand as a plot point and actually understand how it works.07 and how exaggerated it is in film dont worry, its not real! 1.073: Intro to Environmental Data Analysis This class is a statistics course that expands on 1.010: Probability and Causal Inference, a class required by all Course 1 majors. So far, I find myself getting lost at the speed in which we learn material, and all the greek letters we use.08 and their overlap with my other classes. emsigma/em is both stress and standard deviation, emrho/em both density and autocorrelation, it never ends I must admit, I am bad at statistics. But, I keep trying to channel my knowledge from taking AP Statistics in high school more than four years ago, hoping it will keep me afloat. I think it’s working, so far. One good thing is that this class is just 6 units, which is half the units of an average class at MIT, and thus, half the amount of time. Sometimes, that just means you have a “half†class the entire semester. Other times, as in this case, it just means you have a full 12 unit class, for half of the semester. So, right now, it’s as if I’m taking 5 full classes, which is not something I’d ever recommend anyone do by choice. Luckily though, it’s just for the first half, so by the time my other classes start ramping up and final projects loom over me, it’ll be over. I just need to hang in until Spring Break. CMS.619: Gender and Media Studies As much as I’ve become a crotchety old09 only metaphorically student who hates working past 10pm, this 7pm to 10pm humanities course has been really interesting so far.10 even if it makes me extend my tuesday night no-work limit Our class is entirely based around readings and discussions (both during class and in a dedicated Slack channel) centering the portrayal of gender in the media, though that often intersects with portrayal of race, class, sexuality, and other facets of identity. We’ve watched presidential campaign ads and talked about targeted audiences, read about the concept of an Oppositional Gaze coined by black women when engaging with media, and went to a special screening of Carol at the Brattle Theatre in Harvard Square, where my professor gave a talk. This week’s discussion centers around women in presidential campaigns throughout history (though it only extends as far as 2008), which feels relevant with Super Tuesday happening just yesterday. I usually look forward to this class every week. Personally, I love discussion based classes,11 especially more now that i no longer feel too nervous to participate and the material so far has been both informational, and centering topics I already enjoy reading about. Plus, I think everyone in my class is invested in the material, too, so we have really productive and engaging discussions. 4.507: Introduction to Building Information Modeling Building Information Modeling, also known as BIM, is a way to model structures, in a way that differs from traditional CAD or 3D modeling. It’s sort of an industry standard in a lot of engineering practices, so it’s important to know the ins and outs of the software. One of these, and the one we’re focusing on in this class, is called Revit. To get a grasp of it, on the first day of class, our professor showed us various slides containing a few questions. Like, what is a wall? It may seem obvious to you, when you imagine this question in your head, what a wall is. But truly, what is a wall? To a structural engineer, it can be a structural element that supports a load from above. To an architect, it can mean a physical separation between a space. To a psychologist, it can be a metaphysical representation of separation. To a traditional 3D modeling software, a wall is a rectangle, extruded to a certain thickness.12 unless it’s curved, or has a different silhouette, but for simplicity’s sake let’s say rectangle It exists simply as a collection of lines and points and planes, and nothing more. It knows nothing of space or separation or loads. In BIM, a wall is a wall. Or, what engineers and architects and contractors decided what a wall is. To them, a wall is a partition used to separate rooms. It is a space to put pipes and wiring. It’s a surface for a window, or a door. When you place a wall, the software knows it’s a wall, and will treat it accordingly. Using this method, the software can show different representations of a wall that are in line with common practices. So, when you model a wall in 3D, you can also see it represented as a floor plan, exactly how a wall would look. Or, when you put a wall, it also knows that that indicates a separation, and knows that now there are two separate rooms, rather than one large shape with a division. For a clearer picture of how it works, I like to think of the Sims’ house building tools. It works similar to that, as in, everything is in categories, walls can be placed on the ground, and then windows, ceilings, roofs, and doors can be placed on those. Right now, we’ve been tasked with modeling buildings by Alvar Aalto, an architect who designed one of the undergraduate dorms here, Baker House. Mostly, I’ve been trying to learn to use Revit for complex design, which can be incredibly frustrating at times. I’ve never been a huge fan of 3D modeling in general, but I sure do miss traditional modeling in Rhino whenever I have to work on my assignment. I spend most of my time trying to figure out how to make simple figures, like a non-traditional roof or a mezzanine, googling desperately and hoping someone else on the Internet has run into the same problem. Despite my inability to work efficiently in this class, my model doesn’t look too bad so far. revit can make models look like drawings Outside of Class Besides classes, I tend to focus more on my personal lifeâ€"lifting four times a week, writing for fun, cooking at least once every other day (but mostly every day), keeping my living space clean, walking to and from home multiple times a day because I love being inefficient with time and enjoy the simple pleasure of being Home, sleeping, and generally hanging out with friends. I can’t say I don’t miss the thrill of having a jam packed schedule of extracurriculars and meetings to go to, but it’s also nice to have balance and separation. Just look at all that free space!13 unfortunately, this does not translate to having a lot of free time Thats all I have planned for this semester, so heres to manifesting some good energy for the rest of it. the last day students can add a class to their schedule without a fee/petition, coming up on march 9th back to text ? civil and environmental engineering back to text ? actually, i still don’t fully get this one back to text ? a truly laborious task. think of making homemade shortcrust, but instead of flour you have 22 kilograms of sand and gravel back to text ? which is not just the brown soil you think of, but also sands and gravels and clays back to text ? a blessing for any MIT class, tbh back to text ? and how exaggerated it is in film back to text ? and their overlap with my other classes. sigma is both stress and standard deviation, rho both density and autocorrelation, it never ends back to text ? only metaphorically back to text ? even if it makes me extend my tuesday night no-work limit back to text ? especially more now that i no longer feel too nervous to participate back to text ? unless it’s curved, or has a different silhouette, but for simplicity’s sake let’s say rectangle back to text ? unfortunately, this does not translate to having a lot of free time back to text ?
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Well-Rounded College Applicants
Well-Rounded College Applicants June 3 Highly selective colleges dont seek well-rounded students. They seek singularly talented students. It never ceases to amaze us how parents and students still believe that being well-rounded is a positive in highly selective college admissions. The regular readers of our college admissions blog sure do know better. Being well-rounded not only hasnt been a plus but its been a major negative for many years now in highly selective college admissions. Sure, there was a time when well-rounded students students who excelled at the flute, at wide receiver, and at Key Club were sought after by the nations elite universities. But that time is not now. That time passed quite a while ago. Well-rounded college applicants as the sought after group in highly selective college admissionsif the back of your SAT vocabulary card for anachronism doesnt use this as an example, it sure should! And yet parents still boast to us about their well-rounded children. And you can imagine that if this is how a parent is depicting a student, this is likely not so dissimilar from how the student will later depict him or herself on college applications. The truth is that being well-rounded sure can be important in life. It can be really nice to bust out some Beethoven on the piano at a dinner party (who does that?). It can be nice to catch a football on a crowded beach. But that which is important in life isnt necessarily important in highly selective college admissions. In Malcolm Gladwells book Outliers: The Story of Success, the ubiquitous author writes, Ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatnessyou need to have practiced, to have apprenticed, for 10,000 hours before you get good. Gladwell is absolutely right on. It was true for Bill Gates with programming. It was true for Steph Curry of the Golden State Warriors with his three-point shot (Steve Nash even recently termed Curry the greatest shooter in NBA history). Dont be ordinary at lots of things. Be extraordinary at one thing. Ordinarys boring. Extraordinarys anything but boring. Highly selective colleges dont want boring. They want extraordinary. Understood? We hope so.
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